Friday, January 8, 2016


It doesn't matter if you're staying in a low-budget hostel or the fanciest hotel in the world. Bedbugs are everywhere. As soon as you arrive in your room, drop your belongings in a safe place like the bathroom—where it's hard for bedbugs to hide on tile surfaces. Avoid the bed and luggage rack where the bugs can stay after coming in on another traveler's bag.

Next, inspect the bed. Start by pulling off all of the bedding until you get to the bare mattress. Use the flashlight app on your smartphone to get a better view as you check around the seams of all four corners. Be sure to check the box spring, wall art above the bed, and headboard as well.

Now here's the surefire way to spot them: You're not only looking for the bugs themselves, but for signs of their active nests.   Small, dark blood from their excrement is a dead giveaway. Check all the furniture in the room because bugs can lurk there, too.  However, give the hotel a break, previous infestations may have left a mark or 2, and it would be ridiculous to expect hotels to replace beds after each successful treatment.

If you find evidence of live bugs, gather your belongings from the bathroom and ask the hotel staff for a new room.

Make sure you do not bring the bedbugs home with you by immediately washing all of your clothing in hot water. You'll need to spray out your suitcase with 90% alcohol as well. And to be extra safe, you should store your suitcase inside a large trash bag to prevent any hearty bugs from invading your home.

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